Alvaro noboa gave up his candidacy for the good of the Ecuadorians

Today, November 10, 2016, I have decided to give up my presidential candidacy.
This is an example of detachment and political maturity. An example that should serve for Mr. Guillermo Lasso, Mrs. Cynthia Viteri, and Mr. Paco Moncayo, so they do the same and a single candidate of the opposition is named, a single candidate for the change.
As things go by, four candidates for opposition and change were playing the game against President Rafael Correa and his candidate, Lenin Moreno and his binomial Mr. Glass.
Let’s not play the game. Let’s unite! Because together we make more than 40% of the votes of the country while Mr. Lenin Moreno and his binomial do not even reach a 26%.
Imagine that Mr. Lenin Moreno and Mr. Glass agreed to go in only one candidature when they are like water and oil. They do not look alike. And we, Mr. Guillermo Lasso, Mrs. Cynthia Viteri, and Mr. Paco Moncayo, have much more similarities than them, many more points of agreement than Mr. Lenin Moreno and Mr. Glass, however, they succeeded.
And these other three people: Lasso, Moncayo and Viteri have not succeeded. That is why I have made this decision.
I have done an act of great disinterest and great political maturity, and now it is up to you, Mr. Lasso, Mrs. Cynthia Viteri, Mr. Paco Moncayo to do the same and thus, the change will win, and finally all Ecuadorians will win.
Thank you very much