Mimo, the horse of businessman Alvaro Noboa, was chosen as the Best National Horse 2014 by The Equestrian Journalsts Association of Ecuador (ACHE by its Spanish acronym). The election was made by unanimous vote and was in charge of 20 journalists specialized in equine topics.
Last Monday on December 22 was held the election of the best managers, owners and breeders, as well as the best horses of racing of the last season. At the election, the members analyzed the performance of Mimo and how he drawned the medias’s attention.
The 10 victories of the horse highlighted, as well as his triumphs in the classic Dr. Julio Salem Dibo test, his recent and impressive participation at the Classic of National Parenting on 1,800 meters.
At the present time Mimo is cared by his owners Juan Sebastian and Santiago Noboa Azin, sons of businessman Alvaro Noboa. They were responsible for giving the necessary care that allowed the colt cure from a rare disease and return to the race-track.
Now Mimo has positioned itself as a true idol of amateurs at the Miguel Salem Dibo hippodrome and the Ecuadorian press.