Videos 15-05-2002 We present here a collection of the most importante videos featuring social and political leader, Alvaro Noboa. [tubepress] Related Posts via CategoriesHappy Father’s Day to the citizens of the world!“The secret of freedom, wealth and economic success” by Álvaro NoboaMERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR 202130 / 5000 Translation results EUROPEAN UNION AGAINST FRAUDVIVA QUITO 2020 Alvaro NoboaÁlvaro Noboa, the successful businessman from Ecuador and the worldSuspected fraudAlvaro Noboa: “The suspicion of fraud is not only at the presidential level, but it is brutally greater in the world of parliamentarians.”Alvaro Noboa vote accompanied by the Legislature hopefuls of his partyLENIN MORENO IS A GREAT MAN, BUT HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ECONOMY!