Yesterday evening, Noboa traveled to Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas and, along with the candidates for legislators of this province (Vicente Álvarez, Marixa Palacios, and Diana Córdova), he heard the problems experienced by its inhabitants. Unemployment, insecurity, lack of loan facilities, high taxes, economic recession, abandonment, unfair laws like Inheritance and Capital Gains, lack of support for the agriculture, were some of the problems exposed by the people of this area.
“There´s a lack of employment, economic dynamics; there is a recession, sales are down, there is an economic crisis. That is why Ecuador, I sympathize with Juana (a woman interviewed by Noboa) and I ask you that in order to solve the problem of employment in Ecuador, and the issue of the economic crisis, you give us your vote, so that those who reach the Assembly or hold the different functions of the State, reactivate the economy of this country,” Noboa stated.